School Year Calendar
September 3rd – June 18th

The Ballet School’s ’24/’25 school year is comprised of 36 weeks of instruction including two complimentary weeks for snow days and make up lessons. 

Friday, August August 9th
Registration deadline for returning students

Friday, September 1th
First tuition installment due

Tuesday, September 3rd
First Day of Fall Semester: Classes begin

Monday, October 14th
Indigenous Peoples Day: No classes

Monday, November 11th
Veterans Day: No classes

November 25th – December 1st
Thanksgiving Break: No classes

 December 16th – January 1st
Holiday Break: No classes (classes resume on Thursday, January 2nd)

Wednesday, January 1st
Last day to withdraw from Spring Semester and receive a full refund

Monday, January 20th
Martin Luther King Jr. Day: No classes

Saturday, February 1st
Plan B tuition installments due

Monday, February 3rd
First day of the Spring Semester

February 17th – 23rd
Winter Break: No classes

April 21st – 27th
Spring Break: No classes

Monday, May 26th
Memorial Day: No classes

June Dates TBA
Spring Showcase

Wednesday, June 18th
Last day of Spring Semester


Generally, we will follow MSAD #75 for snow cancellations. We will often close if the weather deteriorates during the day. Please call, tune into WCSH 6, or check your email and our website: www.theballetschool.com for updates.
